Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he discovers an artisanal distillery hidden in his gr
Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he discovers an artisanal distillery hidden in his gr
It follows Tom and his mother, who live in a mobile home on the edge of the woods. A young man just released from prison interferes in their life by breaking in and upsetting the balance.
It follows Tom and his mother, who live in a mobile home on the edge of the woods. A young man just released from prison interferes in their life by breaking in and upsetting the balance.
第一次世界大战发作 前夕,一群欧洲的贵族和艺术家为了护送刚逝世知名歌剧女伶的骨灰回到她出生的小岛,展开了一次航行。不意 在途中遇到大战发作 ,船上涌进一批难民,在关闭 的空间中形成了鲜明的阶级比拟 。费里尼化身为弗莱迪.琼斯饰演的热心记者,为观众介绍船上形形色色的人生百态,其中犹有些锐利的人性观察,袒露 了艺术家伪善的面孔。
第一次世界大战发作 前夕,一群欧洲的贵族和艺术家为了护送刚逝世知名歌剧女伶的骨灰回到她出生的小岛,展开了一次航行。不意 在途中遇到大战发作 ,船上涌进一批难民,在关闭 的空间中形成了鲜明的阶级比拟 。费里尼化身为弗莱迪.琼斯饰演的热心记者,为观众介绍船上形形色色的人生百态,其中犹有些锐利的人性观察,袒露 了艺术家伪善的面孔。