
  •   知晓机械设计、智勇双全又博学的海归闫飞,刚一回国就面临家道中落、大侦探父亲被黑帮追杀去向不明的困局。为了翻身,他冒死接下不能够的义务,要在五天内救回被绑架的军阀爱女段婉瑞,否则家破人亡。邪教阴谋、新奇神物、变态恐惧分子……惊天阴谋扑杀而来,闫飞及其正义小同伴能否顺利过关,救己救国救世界呢?
  •   《探案录骨笛魔音》中闫飞查出上海近期发生的离奇命案真凶乃丧失神识力大无穷的改造人,改造人四处杀人令社会大乱。黄俊以神笛之音控制了局面,因而被段司令提拔成新任市长。黄俊联手闫飞追查背後真相,线索指向日本731部队……  闫飞父竟然也被改造了。失踪一年的白凌突然出现要求跟闫飞合作联手对付黄俊,指出黄俊是个能力极强的魔头,一年多前利用日本人的实验室复活了父亲黄朗,更成功把活人改造成不死战士,妄图征服
  • Yan Fei, a returnee who is skilled in engineering and design, returns to the country only to find his family bankrupt, and his detective father hunted by people of the underworld and mysteriously gone
  • Yan Fei found out that the real culprit in the recent bizarre homicide case in Shanghai pointed to remolded humans who lost his mind and had endless strength. Remolded humans killed citizens everywher