
  • Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capacity tension and adrenaline on trucks, boats and bi
  • 天堂村是一个与世隔绝、没没无闻的偏远乡村,某天,村里一名年轻女子正预备举行婚礼,却被一个长相诡异的生疏人打断,随后,村里发作一连串仁至义尽的谋杀案,死状都与现代巫术「骷髅酒」有关,这座村庄黑暗的过去也行将被揭开……
  • The film, adapted from Thao Trang’s best-selling horror novel “Lunar New Year in Hell Village” (aka “Tet O Lang Dia Nguc”), is set to be released in Vietnam cinemas on 08 December.
  • 暂无简介
  • Khoa relocates to a new school, where he joins the Vo Ta club and becomes enamored with Khanh Trang, the beautiful martial arts girl whom has many admirers. As he follows the course of his heart, trou
  • 《猩红山》是由Netflix制造的恐惧悬疑剧集,片中大胆的侦探颜色中夹杂着巧妙和恐惧的元素。故事末尾于旅游业的商人卢带着未婚妻维和继子宝宝贝分开家族财富所在的红花营,这里是一个新的度假胜地,他们方案在红花营渡过安静的假期,但很快他们发现卷入了一同谋杀案调查,一家三口逐渐堕入秘密和暂时阴谋的面纱。埋藏在这片神奇土地上的罪恶秘密又被逐渐开掘出来……
  • 暂无简介
  • A ladies' man is forced to change his ways when he's suddenly saddled with the daughter he never knew about.
  • ? 越南年度恐惧懼片,榮登首週最賣座恐惧電影NO.1!   ? 取材真實駭人社會事情,票房勇破248億越南盾!   ? 媲美【母嬰靈】、【嬰靈】、【鬼搖靈】,孕育觀眾全新夢魘!   ? 越南功勳藝人杏翠耗時七年打造電影劇本,自編自演亮相大銀幕!   ? 多條支線離奇纏繞,無法預測的結局逆轉,挑戰觀眾品德極限!   ————— ?? 劇情簡介 ?? —————   一對有理想生活、經濟穩
  • After a meteor falls to earth, 8-year-old Hung meets an alien girl from the planet Maika, searching for her lost friend. The alien helps Hung make new friends and heal a broken heart. But danger lurks