
  • When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degen
  •   WhenagreedyLasVegascasinoownerthreatenstolayoffandtakeawaypensionsfromhislow-endstaffofjanitors,florists,andrepairmen,theyareforcedtotakemattersintotheirownhandstostraightentheodds.
  • An couple's seven-year relationship is put to the test when they are tempted to indulge their deepest sexual curiosities.
  • 英文名:O Filho da Prostituta (1981),一个妓女怀上了一位富商的孩子,生下了一对双胞胎,一个由母亲抚养,一个由父亲监护,前者最后成了弃儿,后者在父亲逝世后承袭了巨额遗产以及公司。在得知这一音讯后,前者杀死了兄弟并伪装成他取代他的位置,似乎一切都中止得很顺利,直到园丁发现了真相~~   
  • nbsp;一群有钱人雇用一个皮条客,向他们提供处女强迫妇女。然后他们继续杀了他们。当他认出其中一拐子和一切的天堂破散,获取触及一个无辜的人!   
  • 剧本讲述了两个坚强、独立的女性之间的有毒关系的故事,她们看法到自己在这个世界上是孤独的:比阿特丽斯,她显然曾经完成了她方案做的一切; 还有索菲亚,她以为自己曾经预备好不惜一切代价取得她以为自己应得的生活。
  • The first installment of a planned trilogy, director Francisco Laresgoiti's speculative sci-fi thriller finds the son of a powerful general caught in the middle of a raging class war between the p
  • 尤金妮亚(ClaudetteMaillé饰)曾经是乐坛里无足轻重的风云人物,但是如今身患癌症的她只能卧病在床,整个家庭的重担落在了儿子塞巴斯蒂安(昂黑尔·欧内西莫·内瓦雷斯ÁngelOnésimoNevárez饰)和女儿海伦娜(艾琳·阿苏埃拉IreneAzuela饰)的肩上。塞巴斯蒂安和伊斯梅尔(RamónValdés饰)感情十分要好,虽然伊斯梅尔在学校里向来横行霸道,却唯独对塞巴斯蒂安关心备至。
  • The first installment of a planned trilogy, director Francisco Laresgoiti's speculative sci-fi thriller finds the son of a powerful general caught in the middle of a raging class war between the privi